Not only a trekking tour, but a cave-tour!

 Do not be hiking only, but discover!

During an adventure explore the Velence Hills!

Geological, natural historical and cave tours in the Velence Hills

The tours drive on the western, central and eastern part of the Velencei Hills in romantic, rocky, sylvan environment, luring everybody, who is susceptible to the beauties of the nature, and to an exciting discovery. The principal sights are the granite and andesite rock formations, which are containing unique small caves (shorter as 60 meters) with interesting morphology. If you want to know the geology of the hills, discover the small caves, if you are curious for the secrets of the Pakozd-fortress, which was an accommodation of the bronze age cave men; if you want to discover the andesite-street and exciting rock formations on mysterious places far from the well-known paths; if you would like to study easily about the geography, living world and history of the Velence Hills, you are interested in challenges, then here is your place.

Give up a beaten road always for the untrodden one!

The tour leader will be Peter Tarsoly (PhD), doctor of the natural sciences, a cave explorer, member of the Hungarian Speleological Society and the Volcanspeleological Collective, who take a part in the exploration and mapping of nearly 80 caves in Hungary. To the tours there is no need for any kind of special equipment, there is need for a lamp only.


Information: +36-30-402-8300,

Facebook: follow me on the Velencei-hegység túra facebook page, too!